Once struggling to feed her three children, she took part in our women’s empowerment project and is now a community leader and strong advocate for gender equality.

A difficult start

“I have had to bear a lot of hardship with my three children. I would always worry about how I would cover the cost of their education. But now I have overcome all my fears,” says 36 year old

Marufa lives in Haripur subdistrict, one of the most impoverished and remote areas in Bangladesh. With little experience in sewing, she earned a living as a tailor but had to stop working when her health deteriorated, leaving the family struggling to afford regular meals.

“I was losing hope,” she says. “I was not able to continue my education after I left school so I longed for my children to complete theirs. But I asked myself, how?”

Taking up a life changing opportunity

The answer lay in an Islamic Relief programme focused on promoting women’s empowerment, rights and economic development.

This project involves self-help groups in which women are trained on income generating activities, discuss various social issues and are offered an initial loan.