প্রকাশনা DOWNLOAD [PDF] Endline Evaluation Alternative Orphans & Widows Family Livelihood (ALO) Project DOWNLOAD [PDF] “Action Research” for introducing/ promoting climate adaptive and resilient crops at Tazumuddin, Bhola DOWNLOAD [PDF] Vulnerability, Social Dignity and Livelihood Choices of the River Bank Erosion Victims in Bhola District of Bangladesh DOWNLOAD [PDF] Final Evaluation ReportProject Title: Stranded Community Action (SuChanA-Phase 2) Project DOWNLOAD [PDF] Report on the “Knowledge and Learning Documentation” DOWNLOAD [PDF] RESULT BASED MONITORING ONIntegrated Sustainable Development for Climate Vulnerable Ultra-Poorcommunities of southern Bangladesh (ISD) projec DOWNLOAD [PDF] Islamic Microfinance and Self Help Group: An Empirical Study Based on the “Proved” Project of Bangladesh DOWNLOAD [PDF] An Empirical Study on the Perspective of Vaccination for Livestock and Poultry of Poor Households in Rural Bangladesh Challenges & Opportunities.